One (1) Hour

Personal Assistance

Don’t Wait Any Longer.

Experience Relief Today!

The womb is where it starts for us all.

My healing journey began with a phenomenal therapist in SLC. She knew I was reluctant to use pharmaceuticals to help with my depression.

I was moving to Oregon and she did some research upon the recommendation of another client she had; she recommended I get in touch with Lita Lee PhD. I scheduled a session as soon as possible.

Prior to working with Lita, the same therapist knowing my love of biology suggested I look up Ray Peat PhD. She was confident I’d get it, and she wasn’t wrong.

I adored Dr. Peat’s insights, his style of writing and depth of knowledge and particular insight to melinated women.

I am sharing affordable, easy, extremely effective and simple relief measures.

This is by far the simplest and most sensible hormone balancing approach.

You will keep bad bacteria, night sweats, acne and PMS in check.

I focus on helping you understand your menstrual cycle and how the various phases influence and impact your overall experience of life.

period pain relief
period pain relief
Solve your problems with my help!

185 USD

My main mission is to help you bring an end to period trauma. Period pain is a drain.

Pleasant, Pain Free, UNEVENTFUL Periods is Your Right!

It's going to work like this
Introduction form

We are going to take advantage of this one-hour session minute by minute, so I will ask you to fill out an introduction form prior our meeting. This way I will know how to best guide you.

Video call

During the call, I listen to you and advise you about the things you must improve, what tools you really need and how you can optimize your processes to improve the connection with your body and decrease period pain.