Hi, I'm Patricia K. Makhulo

Helping You Relieve Period Cramps

I'm thrilled you're here.

My first few menses were awesome, easy peasy just awesome. Then one day they were not! There were days I missed school, other days I was loaded up on painkillers just to get by.

As time went on, things got worse. Then something interesting happened, I developed constipation. My hands and feet were always cold. There were nights no matter how high the heat was cranked up and how many blankets I had on me, I was just freezing and it was hard to get to sleep.

I saw a psychiatrist, while living in SLC, who diagnosed me with dysthymia (low grade depression), after I shared how the winter months were rough due to seasonal affective disorder and that I noticed it seemed to get worse around my period.

Things weren’t as bad in the summer, cause its hot as heck. That said temp control was always an issue.

Of course I should tell you that somewhere I got the notion that salt and sugar were the devil, so I cut those out, and that soy was going to be my savior.

Well then I got fibroids to prove that soy is not a safe bet.

I remember going in for a physical, and my heart rate was 45. The nurse asked me if I work out. I said, yes! She responded with, I can tell how fit you are! Um … a heart rate of 70 and less is not a good sign. Along with the check up i got a hormone panel. My cortisol was rather high, but the thing that really stunned me (which I now understand) was my TSH of 4.7. Apparently, that was just normal. I struggled with PMS, Dysmenorrhea, Menorrhagia and PCOS!

My period pain was excruciating, bleeding excessively and huge clots. I was very much estrogen dominant. I learned how to relieve period cramps via body awareness.

I was severely hypothyroid. And my particular version – cold hands and feet – told a much more sinister story.

Like i said thanks to a very intuitive therapist, I delved deep into the rabbit hole, discovered Dr. Broda Barnes, Nobel Prize winners such as Bernardo Houssay, Otto Warburg, Dr. Hans Seyle.

I was fortunate enough to work with Dr. Lita Lee and Dr. Ray Peat.

I have lived this life, this awareness of functional wholeness since the age of 30. I am very in tune with physiology, biology and chemistry.

Genetics really has nothing to do with the issues of a dysfunctional womb – unless you count the fact that life begins in the womb for us all – then you are onto something. Here’s to a Simply Healthy Womb!

It has, and continues to be an amazing journey of learning and discovery.

I am walking you through the exact same method that Dr. Lita Lee took me through when I first came to her in debilitating pain. You will be able to calmy navigate any emotionally charged situation. You will know what triggers your PMS, how to resolve pain and to stop being hostage to your monthly visitor.

You will learn to be ‘Mistress” of your Menstrual Cycle. You will know how to cut through trendy BS advice. You will be in possession of true, tried and tested scientific principles that will get you out of the never-ending cycle of frustration.

There is no catch to this offer. “Yes!” it will work for you too, no matter how long you have been struggling to find relief.


Yours truly,

Let's talk

Listening to your feedback and reading your comments makes me very happy. Contact me if you have any questions, comments, information, or to request a quote. I will get back to you shortly. Remember that you can also follow me on my social networks or write to my email: simplyhealthywomb@gmail.com